Women’s Council

The National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) Women’s Council was established in 2003 for member company employees.

The NWRA Women’s Council is dedicated to advancing and promoting the waste and recycling industry, along with giving back to our member’s companies through education, networking, professional development, and the award of academic scholarships.


The Women’s Council is open to any employee of an NWRA member company that is in good standing. 

Please fill out the new member form or contact womens-council@wasterecycling.org for any questions.

2025 Leadership

President Kerri Mead-Bell, Anchor Disposal
Vice President Sam Podgorny, ESG
Treasurer Stephanie Sidler, GFL
Secretary Jocelyn Clindaniel, Municipal Equipment
Fundraising Co-Chair Eileen Brito, Big Truck Transportation, Megan Feehan-Toohig, Risk Strategies
Membership Co-Chair Sara Fuentes, Smart Waste, Sarah Bielinski, CRM
Marketing Co-Chair Lindsay Hochman, Trucks & Parts, Danielle Dungey, Best Way Disposal
Professional Development Co-Chair Amanda Curtis, American Waste Control, Erin Huber, Navistar
Scholarship Co-Chair Tammy Holtzman, WCN, Faith Zydowsky, Sierra Container Group
WIW AD HOC Co-Chair Malissa Gibson, Loadmaster, Rachel Pierson, Coastal Waste, Brittany Anderson, MachineX
Past-president Pam Caron, Risk Strategies

Academic Scholarships

Since 2007, the NWRA Women’s Council has proudly awarded over $490,000 in scholarships, thanks to the generosity of our incredible donors. These scholarships support students who aspire to build careers in the waste and recycling industry.
We’re excited to announce the 2025-2026 NWRA Women’s Council Scholarship-open to NWRA member company employees and their dependents. Whether you’re:

  • A part-time or returning student,
  • Applying to a trade or community college, or
  • Pursuing a university or college degree

Additionally, in partnership with the Detachable Containers Association (DCA), the Mickey and Ellen Flood 
will also be awarded!

This is your opportunity to invest in your future! Applications are due March 31, 2025.

(applicant must create an account to access the application).

View some scholarship testimonials here.

2025 Carts on Display

The NWRA Women’s Council is pleased to present Carts on Display, a sponsored art competition that will take place at the WasteExpo 2025 from May 5-8, 2025. Entrants in the competition may supply their own 32-gallon or 64-gallon cart, or one will be provided to them by Toter, a division of Wastequip. Entrant must decorate with artwork that promotes the growth of the waste & recycling industry.

Deadline for entries has been extended to WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2025.

The deadline to submit entries for the 2025 Carts On Display is April 4, 2025.

Enclosed in the entry form are the following:

  • Key Promotional Benefits for Entrants
  • Entry Form
  • Delivery and Removal Instructions Form
  • Terms and Conditions Agreement 

After submitting this form, the entrant will provide: 

  • Payment within 30 days of invoice
  • Cart Title and Description Form 


NWRA Women’s Council members are professionals working in the environmental industry. The council provides networking opportunities, educational programs for NWRA members and awards academic scholarships to further careers in the environmental field. We hope you enjoy working on this project.

If you have questions, please contact womens-council@wasterecycling.org


The NWRA Women’s Council Boutique made its debut at WasteExpo 2011. The NWRA Women’s Council now brings these industry-related and recycled items to you via the NWRA E-Store. The proceeds from the NWRA Women’s Council Boutique support the Council’s programs including the academic scholarship programs providing a career path in the waste and recycling industry. Please contact Eileen Brito at eileen@bigtrucktransportation.com to shop and purchase your Women’s Council swag (a sample of items are shown below).

“Awesome Bodacious Clever ABC’s Book of Waste and Recycling”

The NWRA Women’s Council has published its children’s book, “Awesome Bodacious Clever ABC’s Book of Waste and Recycling,” which illustrates the waste and recycling industry from a child’s viewpoint. The book is one of many resources the Women’s Council has produced to help build awareness of the waste and recycling industry.

Order your copy here.

Internship Toolkit

The NWRA Women’s Council released an Internship Toolkit to assist companies within the waste and recycling industry with the development of a program. The two-piece toolkit contains A Guide to Developing an Industry Internship Program for the company and an Internship Journal for the cohort.

This free toolkit was developed to address industry workplace shortages, promote careers within the industry and help groom the next generation of industry professionals. The toolkit will assist in attracting and retaining talented individuals new to the waste and recycling industry.

“Where Does my Garbage Go?” Free Coloring Book

The “Where Does My Garbage Go?” coloring book was first published in 2003 as an enjoyable and educational tool to teach children about the route that waste and recycling takes from the curb.

This free download is produced and provided by the NWRA Women’s Council. It is the perfect addition to an Easter basket, company tours, Earth Day classroom lesson plans, America Recycles Day initiatives and great for everyday use.

It is our hope that you will enjoy and share this coloring book!

Member Testimonials

“As an early 20-something, it’s difficult envisioning a career in an industry often lacking female representation at the highest levels of leadership. I joined Women’s Council in hopes of connecting with women who have built their careers in waste/recycling and whose personal and professional successes could validate a future for me in the industry. I’m happy to say I have gained such connections—or role models rather—and then some. The Women’s Council has introduced me to strong, intelligent, kind and motivated women who graciously welcomed me into their community and are determined to elevate the careers of all females in waste. I highly recommend membership with this unique organization and am honored to be contributing to the network’s continual growth and development.” – Tate Moeller, Sales and Marketing Coordinator, Organix Solutions

“I have been employed in the waste industry for 22 years and a member of the NWRA Women’s Council since 2010. The Women’s Council has allowed me to expand my professional network and industry knowledge, forge amazing relationships and establish wonderful friendships along the way. The ability to work alongside the members of the Women’s Council to bridge those with industry knowledge with those new to the industry has been extremely rewarding. I am very proud of the Women’s Council and what we have accomplished over the years and look forward to continuing to serve the industry!” – Tammy Holtzman, Waste Connections