Pennsylvania Waste Industries Association

The Pennsylvania Waste Industries Association (PWIA) is a chapter of the National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA). PWIA represents the private sector companies that collect and process recyclables and collect and dispose of municipal solid waste in Pennsylvania. We work closely with NWRA to advance safe practices in waste collection, processing and disposal. For more information, visit

Chapter Manager 

Mary M. Keenan
Executive Director – Pennsylvania Waste Industries Association

Chapter Contact

Tim O’Donnell
President, PWIA
Republic Services

Economic Impact

Pennsylvania’s waste industry is responsible for supporting 26,000 jobs and $680 million in annual employee earnings. Overall, the industry contributes more than $4.2 billion per year to the Pennsylvania economy in jobs, salaries and spending. We are proud of our economic contribution to the state and our commitment to environmental stewardship.

Take Our Landfill Tour  

Take a tour through a typical landfill and learn how it all works.


Ongoing advocacy efforts by PWIA ensure that we maintain a vigilant watch on regulatory activities that impact the private sector waste haulers’, recyclers’ and landfill operators’ ability to economically deliver safe and efficient solid waste management. Learn more about current issues here.

Opposition to Increased Fees and Taxes on Trash

PWIA strongly opposes efforts to increase taxes on municipal solid waste. Tax and fee increases raise the cost of waste disposal for Pennsylvania households, small and large businesses and state and local governments. Raising the cost of trash also results in reduced volume and a corresponding reduction of revenues from other taxes and fees tied to that volume. Anticipated losses would also affect host municipalities and recycling programs at the municipal level that are dependent on current fees. Learn more here.

Slow Down/Move Over Leadership

PWIA has taken a leadership role in advocating for stronger “Slow Down/Move Over” laws and enforcement. In 2018, the Pennsylvania General Assembly unanimously passed a Slow Down to Get Around provision as part of Act 83 of 2018. The law requires motorists to reduce and maintain a safe speed when approaching and passing emergency vehicles, tow truck operators, solid waste collection vehicles and other roadside workers.

PWIA members were front and center at the Capitol advocating for worker safety. “All Pennsylvanians who work in and along Pennsylvania’s roads deserve a safe working environment including the men and women who collect our trash,” said Tim O’Donnell, president of PWIA.

Recycling Leadership

PWIA regularly hosts a recycling education event at the Pennsylvania State Capitol to tell the story of the industry’s innovation, investment, economic growth and environmental stewardship. Learn more about the role of recycling in Pennsylvania.

Great American Cleanup in PA

PWIA is proud of its collaboration with Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful to donate free disposal at participating landfills across the state. In 2018, 108,638 volunteers collected more than 6.5 million pounds of litter from Pennsylvania’s roads, trails and shorelines. More than 5,300 events were held, with every county participating.