How to Reduce Taxes for NWRA Members in 2021 – Presented by the Property Tax Advisory Group and NWRA

Waste and recycling operations, on average, overpaid by 15 to 25 percent on taxes in 2020. Talk about waste …

Over the last decade, waste and recycling operations have become more sophisticated with substantial investments into advanced sorters, processors and recycling equipment. Annual business personal property taxes on these assets can range from $20,000 to more than $2,000,000. Simply stated, most tax firms and tax assessors know little about this equipment, which results in a significant overpayment of taxes.

Property Tax Advisory Group (PTAG), in conjunction with the National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA), will be presenting several unique strategies to reduce personal property taxes. Discover at what point you should be thinking about reducing this tax (when do you have a problem?), why no one can get this tax right and how to potentially save tens of thousands of dollars with little effort.

Listen to a recording of the webinar here.