NWRA State Update: NWRA’s Arizona Chapter Continues to Monitor Legislation

NWRA State Update: NWRA’s Arizona Chapter Continues to Monitor Legislation

The National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) Arizona chapter has been monitoring Senate Bill 1429 and Senate Bill 1156.

Senate Bill 1429, titled “Solid Waste Services; Private Provider,” was sponsored by Sen. Kelly Townsend (R-16). This bill was identical to House Bill 2305, which passed the Arizona House 31 to 29 in 2020 but died in the Senate when legislature adjourned due to COVID-19. As a result, Townsend reintroduced the bill as 1429 during the 2021 session. This bill is the result of Apache Junction awarding an exclusive agreement for residential trash collection under an ordinance providing civil penalties for not using those services followed by criminal misdemeanor penalties for multiple violations. This bill passed the Senate 24 to 5 on March 1 and was approved by the House Natural Resources Energy and Water Committee on March 9. It is currently awaiting further action in the house.

Senate Bill 1156, titled “Solid Waste; Advanced Recycling Facilities,” is sponsored by Sen. JD Mesnard (R-17). This bill was approved by the Senate Commerce Committee on February 17.  The bill was amended by a strike-everything amendment (an amendment striking the entirety of a bill and replacing it with new language) and approved as amended changing the title to “Solid Waste; Advanced Recycling Facilities.” It was further amended and approved by the Senate Committee of the Whole on March 4 with the floor amendment giving the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality further oversight. This bill failed in the Senate on March 11 with a vote of 14 to 15 but later passed on March 16 on reconsideration with a vote of 16 to 14.