ANS Z245 standards are national industry standards for waste and recycling equipment, facilities and operations. Interested parties can participate in the development of ANS safety standards.

The approved scope of the ANS Z245 Committee’s standards activities encompasses requirements for the design, manufacture, installation, modification, servicing, maintenance and use of equipment and systems used to collect, contain, transport, store, process, recycle, treat and dispose of solid wastes and recyclable materials. It also includes the operations of facilities and activities in which these equipment and technologies are incorporated.

Accredited Standards Committee Z245 Secretariat

Secretariat, ANS Z245 Accredited Standards Committee c/o National Waste & Recycling Association
1550 Crystal Drive, Suite 804
Arlington, VA 22202


ANS Standards Secretary
Phone: 202-364-3710
Fax: 202-966-4824

ANS Z245 Accredited Standards Committee

The ANS Z245 Accredited Standards Committee is the official consensus body for standards developed under the scope of the committee’s activities. The committee:

  • Acts as the point of final formal approval for all aspects of the Z245 standards development process.
  • Approves all proposed new, revised or reauthorized standards for referral to the American National Standards Institute for consideration as ANS.
  • Oversees the ongoing work of the various subcommittees.
  • Resolves all comments received through the public comment process and issues interpretations, acting as the point of first appeal.

The membership of the ANS Z245 Accredited Standards Committee consists of organizations, companies, government agencies, individuals and others that have a direct and material interest in the activities of the committee. The selection and addition of members, along with their interest category, is subject to approval by a majority vote of the committee.

Operating Procedures for Accredited Standards Committee Z245 on Equipment Technology and Operations for Wastes and Recyclable Materials.

Committee Members

View current ANS Z245 Accredited Standards Committee Members

For a complete listing of committee members, please email

Interested in joining the committee? 

Once completed, email your application to Kirk Sander at

ANS Z245 Subcommittee Structure

Subcommittee 1: Mobile Refuse Collection and Transportation Equipment

Subcommittee 1 establishes safety and design requirements for the manufacture, reconstruction, modification, maintenance, service and operation of mobile collecting, transporting and compacting equipment and the installation (where applicable) of accessory equipment. The subcommittee is responsible for the development and maintenance of Z245.1, Mobile Wastes and Recyclable Materials Collection, Transportation and Compaction Equipment – Safety Requirements. 

Subcommittee 2 – Stationary Compactors

Subcommittee 2 establishes safety and design requirements for the manufacture, reconstruction, modification, maintenance, service, operation and installation (where applicable) of stationary compacting equipment. The subcommittee is responsible for the development and maintenance of Z245.2, Stationary Compactors – Safety Requirements for Maintenance, Installation and Operation, and Z245.21, Stationary Compactors – Safety Requirements.

Subcommittee 3 – Waste Container Safety

Subcommittee 3 establishes safety requirements for the manufacture, reconstruction, use, modification, maintenance, service, operation and installation (where applicable) of containers, two-wheeled carts and two-wheeled container lifters. Its work applies to all persons engaged in the manufacture, modification, operation, use, cleaning, maintenance, service or repair of containers that are used in conjunction with the collection, processing and disposal (including the diversion of wastes for recycling) of municipal, commercial and industrial solid wastes by private companies and public entities. The subcommittee is responsible for the development and maintenance of Z245.30, Waste Containers – Safety Requirements.

Subcommittee 4 – Facility Safety

Subcommittee 4 establishes safety requirements applicable to the design, manufacture, assembly, modification, operation, cleaning, maintenance, servicing or repair of facilities such as landfills, materials recovery facilities and transfer stations. The subcommittee is responsible for the development and maintenance of Z245.41, Safety Requirements for Commingled Material Recovery Facilities and for the development of additional standards in the Z245.40 series covering transfer stations and landfills.

Subcommittee 5 – Baling Equipment

Subcommittee 5 establishes safety and design requirements for the manufacture, reconstruction, modification, maintenance, service, operation and installation (where applicable) of balers, including mechanical, electro-mechanical, hydraulic and electro-hydraulic balers used in recycling and resource recovery processes, solid waste disposal and raw materials handling. The subcommittee is responsible for the development and maintenance of Z245.5, Baling Equipment – Safety Requirements for Maintenance, Installation and Operation, and Z245.51, Baling Equipment – Safety Requirements.

Subcommittee 6 – Waste Container Compatibility Dimensions

Subcommittee 6 establishes the dimensional requirements for the manufacture, reconstruction, use, modification, maintenance, service, operation and installation (where applicable) of containers so as to ensure compatibility between the various types of containers and equipment designed to lift and dump these containers. The subcommittee is responsible for the development and maintenance of Z245.60, Container Compatibility Dimensions.

Subcommittee 7 – Size Reduction Equipment

Subcommittee 7 establishes safety and design requirements for the manufacture, modification, operation, installation, integration, cleaning, maintenance, service and repair of industrial or commercial size reduction equipment. The size reduction equipment covered includes shears and related equipment, auger processors, chippers, dicers, rotary drum processors, shear shredders, grinders, granulators, hammer mills and crushers. The subcommittee is currently not active. 

Subcommittee 8 – Landfill Operations – Safety Requirements

Subcommittee 8 establishes safe practices, applicable to all persons who design, construct, modify, operate, maintain, service, repair, mine, regulate or use landfills. Exception: This standard does not address the engineering aspects and scope of ANSI/CSA 149.6.