NWRA’s Oklahoma Chapter to Discuss Draft PFAS Rules and Proposed Solid Waste Rules Changes

NWRA’s Oklahoma Chapter to Discuss Draft PFAS Rules and Proposed Solid Waste Rules Changes

The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality’s (ODEQ) Solid Waste Management Advisory Council met in July to discuss the draft per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) rules and the proposed changes to the solid waste rules OAC 252:515. A copy of the draft PFAS rules and proposed solid waste rules can be found here.

The ODEQ is proposing to revise OAC 252:515 in response to Gov. Kevin Stitt’s Executive Order 2020-03. This proposal would remove redundant and outdated regulations and make minor changes to clarify existing language.

The other proposed change to Chapter 515 Management of Solid Waste is to include new regulations specific to the disposal of PFAS. ODEQ is proposing, for discussion only, to amend OAC 252:515 to include new rules applicable to the disposal of certain types of PFAS waste.

The Oklahoma chapter will meet on July 27 to discuss these proposed changes. The chapter is in conversation with ODEQ regarding these proposed rules changes and will provide updates as they become available.