January 17:

The Indiana General Assembly convened its annual session on Jan.9th. Senator Niemeyer introduced SB155, which permits the environmental rules board to amend permit fees, on a time frame and in an amount determined necessary, to pay costs related to the Title V operating permit program and mandates that a federal regulation that classifies or amends a designation of attainment, nonattainment, or unclassifiable for any area in Indiana under the federal Clean Air Act is effective and enforceable in Indiana on the effective date of the federal regulation. Also


Members welcomed State Rep. Alan Morrison to their legislative committee on January 13th. He is chair of the House Environmental Affairs Committee and vice chair of the House Elections and Apportionment Committee. He also serves on the House Natural Resources and Utilities, Energy, and Telecommunications committees. Representative Morrison shared his committee’s makeup and priorities for the 2023 session. 


On March 15th, please join Indiana Legislative Committee for the Indiana Chapter Legislator Dinner at Columbia Club, located at 121 Monument Circle, Indianapolis, IN 46204. NWRA will host the Indiana legislators from the House and Senate Environment Committees and other special guests at a social dinner. Click Here to Register