December 6 Report:

Equally as busy as the Illinois Chapter, the members in Minnesota have been working on legislative and regulatory issues throughout the year. While this past legislative session did not produce much in the final days, considerable time and energy were devoted to public infrastructure and the use of the states’ “bonding” process to finance the projects. The waste and recycling industry is always vigilant in efforts to protect private infrastructure from encroachment by public works.

Multiple bills were filed in Minnesota banning per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in various consumer products. Keeping future PFAS out of the environment is proactive. However, PFAS already released is an entirely different problem, as waste and recycling professionals know.

The Minnesota Chapter held its annual meeting in early October. Members received a legislative update from the Chapter Lobbyist, Doug Carnival, and a special guest speaker State Representative Josh Heintzman, Republican lead member on House Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy Committee.

In addition, Chapter elections were held with the following result:

Chair – Bill Keegan

Vice Chair – Ryan O’Gara

Board of Governors – Don Williamson

Alternate Board of Governors – Julie Ketchum