December 6 Report:
Attempts to bring product stewardship by way of legislation kept NWRA members busy in the Show Me state this past year. During the 2022 legislative session, bills were introduced dealing with carpet, paint and asphalt shingles. The measures for carpet and paint were straightforward in that collection of the material was prescribed and included fees at the retail level. Neither bill on carpet nor paint advanced during the session.
Legislation regulating the recycling of asphalt shingles did pass into law this session. Ultimately the law change allows for the use of asphalt shingles as “clean fill” in construction projects. Claims of actual recycling are dubious, and the process allows for a combined reuse and disposal method.
The Missouri Chapter held its annual meeting this past October in Kansas City. This was in conjunction with the Kansas Chapter. Members heard from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and Kansas Department of Health as guest speakers. To all present, it was clear NWRA members have a strong rapport with state regulators.
Elections for the Missouri Chapter produced the following:
Chair – Casey Powers
Vice Chair – Ben Tucker
Board of Governors – Lisa Disbrow
Alternate Board of Governors – Carey Calabrese