It’s Your Business To Be Involved!
You Can Help Elect Candidates Who Support Our Industry
Your voice matters as a businessperson and a taxpayer. You can influence the policies that affect us. The National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) PAC is the only political action committee solely dedicated to advancing the waste and recycling industry’s priorities with federal candidates—standing up for our industry, expanding congressional awareness of it and the significant impacts of government’s actions on our businesses.
A Part Of Your Success
NWRA PAC supports pro-business candidates on a bipartisan basis. Although this process tends to favor incumbent members of Congress, NWRA PAC seeks out other worthy candidates by studying their individual backgrounds and stated positions on the issues. NWRA members play a significant role in bringing new candidates to our attention.
What Does NWRA PAC Do?
- NWRA PAC collects individual personal contributions from NWRA members as well as from member companies’ own PACs and distributes those funds to candidates for Congress who share the views of the waste and recycling industry.
- NWRA PAC maximizes these funds by strategically targeting important House races and Senate contests.
- NWRA PAC carefully studies the likelihood of candidates’ chances of winning to ensure contributions are made wisely.
- NWRA PAC’s goal is to steadily increase contributions in subsequent election cycles.
NWRA PAC’S Candidate Contribution Principle
The following principles guide NWRA PAC’s contributions, the event or location at which the contribution will be made and how much will be committed to the campaign.
General Principles
- No contributions are made in out-of-cycle races.
- Contributions are not made to both candidates running in the same race.
- NWRA PAC donors deliver contributions to candidates in their home states or districts whenever possible and NWRA staff attends Washington, D.C., events based upon those contributions. This doubles the impact of every contribution made.
Specific Criteria
- Recommendations from NWRA members and state chapters are given the most weight.
- NWRA’s examination of candidates’ legislative records (federal and/or state if they are elected officials) helps inform the process.
- Membership on committees of jurisdiction over issues of importance to the waste and recycling industry is an important factor.
- Congressional leadership is a key element.
- A race’s competitiveness helps determine the likelihood of a contribution.
- The need to develop, maintain and enhance relationships beneficial to the waste and recycling industry is an overarching consideration.
- Special consideration is given to any member of the waste and recycling industry who is seeking federal elected office.
Why A PAC?
- NWRA PAC equals strength in numbers.
- NWRA PAC works to send people to Congress who share our industry’s views.
- NWRA PAC backs elected officials who advocate tax policies that benefit the business community.
- NWRA PAC supports those candidates and elected officials who promote sensible, scientifically based safety and environmental laws and regulations.
Participation In NWRA’s PAC Is Strictly Voluntary
- As an association comprised of corporate members, NWRA may only solicit donations from individuals whom the association has been granted permission to do so in writing by the designated representative of the member company for whom they work. That designee can specify who may be solicited.
- A corporation may only grant approval to one trade association per calendar year to solicit from among its restricted class.
- The restricted class that can be solicited is limited to executive and administrative (those with decision-making authority) personnel, shareholders and the immediate families of all these groups.
- Hourly employees are specifically exempt from solicitation for PAC contributions.
- A suggested contribution is just that, a suggestion. One is free to contribute more or less than the suggested amount or nothing at all.
- By law, all political contributions must be voluntary—no form of coercion, expressed or implied, may be used to solicit a contribution.
NWRA Partnership For Employee Voter Registration Week
NWRA has partnered with BIPAC’s Employees Vote initiative to get our industry’s employees registered to vote and keep them informed on political updates in their state.
NWRA PAC funds are used to help elect the best candidates—representatives and senators who are willing to listen to and consider our industry’s needs and positions.
NWRA is required by federal law to obtain written approval from NWRA’s member companies before discussing potential support for NWRA PAC.