December 13 Report:

In late September, the Ohio chapter members gathered at the historical Athletic Club of Columbus to hold their Chapter elections, listen to a presentation from Ohio EPA, and receive a legislative update from chapter lobbyist Willa Ebersole.

Members elected new leadership:

  • Steve White with Republic Services, Chair
  • Chris Jaquet with Rumpke, Vice Chair
  • Bruce Schmucker with Ecotech, BOG representative
  • Chris Jaquet with Rumpke, Alternate BOG

After many years of dedicated service to the Chapter, members elected Kathy Trent with WM, Chapter Emeritus.

Ohio EPA’s Assistant Chiefs Joe Goicocheo and Brad Mitchell, alongside the newly chosen Division Chief Nichole Lemin spoke about the latest developments. Chief Lemin’s welcome the group and gave members insight in her role at the Ohio EPA.  Joe Goichocheo presented the current state of a variety of initiatives being pursued by Ohio EPA; the presentation included environmental goals, facility compliance, and the success if the Scrap Tire Fund.

Chapter Lobbyist Willa Ebersole provided a legislative report and paid specific attention to Ohio HB 27 centered around increasing the criminal penalties associated with failing to secure a load on a vehicle, as well as Ohio HB 111 which aims to alter the law governing the use of a handheld electronic wireless communications device while driving.

Additionally, the Ohio Regulatory and Rules subcommittee held its quarterly roundtable with DMWM on November 9th. Michelle Mountjoy, OEPA’s Rules Coordinator, shared that Eric Adams and his committee is reviewing our ESO comments. OEPA asked the Chapter to identify which topics the Chapter believes the group should tackle first. The next call will be after January.