
WasteExpo is North America’s largest waste and recycling trade show, with nearly 600 exhibitors and 13,000 attendees. It is an annual event put on by Waste360 in collaboration with the National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA). This is a great opportunity for professional growth and business development. WasteExpo offers access to the newest technologies, creates smart business connections and has a robust education program that we at NWRA have created.


Help Your Bottom Line

NWRA’s Member Savings Program partners save member businesses thousands of dollars each year.

NWRA members also receive a discount on their booth space at WasteExpo, North America’s largest solid waste and recycling tradeshow.

Members save:

  • 12% on booths 100 to 400 sq/ft
  • 12.5% to 13.3% on booths 500 to 5,000 sq/ft
  • 16% on booths 5,000+ sq/ft

10% of your spend on exhibits, sponsorships and advertising on Waste360 will also go toward your NWRA membership dues!