NWRA Launches Federal Political Action Committee
Arlington, VA – The National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission establishing a political action committee (PAC). The committee, officially known as the National Waste & Recycling Association PAC, will also be referred to as NWRA PAC or Waste & Recycling PAC for short.
“NWRA PAC is the only political action committee solely dedicated to advancing the waste and recycling industry’s priorities,” said NWRA President and CEO Darrell Smith. “The PAC will help in the Association’s efforts to educate candidates and expand awareness of the modern waste and recycling industry.”
A Board of Directors comprised of waste and recycling industry leaders will guide the PAC. The PAC intends to engage in an intense strategic effort to identify and support candidates—regardless of their party affiliation—who back the industry’s positions on the issues by studying their voting records and stated views. Special consideration will be given to any member of the waste and recycling industry who is seeking elected office.
“NWRA’s PAC will follow specific principles and criteria in determining recipients of political contributions,” said Jim Riley, vice president for federal affairs and deputy general counsel. “These will be reflected in a comprehensive strategic giving plan budget document created by NWRA’s Government Affairs team in consultation with the PAC Board at the start of every Congress and refined throughout the election cycle as circumstances warrant.”
Funds will be raised through voluntary contributions from individual NWRA members whom the Association has been granted permission in writing by their companies to solicit. This requirement is in accordance with the federal prior approval law governing trade associations with corporate members.
The ultimate goal of NWRA’s PAC is to help elect a pro-business, pro-infrastructure Congress that will benefit the waste and recycling industry.
The National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) represents the private sector waste and recycling services industry. Association members conduct business in all 50 states and include companies that manage waste, recycling and medical waste, equipment manufacturers and distributors, and a variety of other service providers. For more information about NWRA, please visit www.wasterecycling.org.
Brandon Wright
National Waste and Recycling Association