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Webinar Recap: Preparing for the Implementation of the ELDT Final Rule
- Mallory Szczepanski
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s final Entry-level Driver Training rule will be implemented on February 7.

NWRA Sunbelt Region: Legislative Updates
- Abby Blocker
This NWRA State Update provides legislative updates for Alabama, Arizona, California, the Carolinas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah and Washington.

Webinar Takeaways: OSHA ETS 101 with Eric Conn of Conn Maciel Carey LLP
- Mallory Szczepanski
Eric Conn of Conn Maciel Carey LLP, Lindsay DiSalvo of Conn Maciel Carey LLP and Kirk Sander of NWRA discuss the ETS requirements, who is and is not covered by the ETS, the status of the legal challenges to the ETS and more.

NWRA Florida Chapter Holds Legislative Fly-in and Presents Legislative Champion Awards
- Abby Blocker
During the legislative fly-in, chapter members discussed 2021 and 2022 legislative priorities.

Webinar Takeaways: How Blockchain-backed Smart Contracts are Generating Trust, Accuracy, Efficiency and Savings Around ESG Reporting
- Mallory Szczepanski
Michael Matthews of Data Gumbo, Jennifer Sadenwater of ESG Lynk, Jim Riley of NWRA and Maxine Aitkenhead of Data Gumbo share how waste and recycling companies can use blockchain-backed smart contracts for ESG reporting.

NWRA’s Oklahoma Chapter to Discuss Draft PFAS Rules and Proposed Solid Waste Rules Changes
- Abby Blocker
The Oklahoma chapter will meet on July 27 to discuss these proposed changes.
ADEM Proposes Revisions to Solid Waste Program Division 335-13, Administrative Code
- Abby Blocker
Revisions are being proposed to ensure consistency with state and federal statutes and provide clarification of state requirements for the management of solid waste.

NWRA State Update: Pennsylvania Considers Various Bills Focused on States of Emergency
- Mary Keenan
NWRA provides update on legislative activity in Pennsylvania.

NWRA State Update: Alabama Provides Update on the Final Days of the 2021 Legislative Session
- Abby Blocker
Update on legislation in Alabama legislature.
Press Releases
Read the latest press releases from the National Waste & Recycling Association.